exceptioNAl projEcts aT outSTanding locationS.
Innovative real estate solutions for living and working in urban areas across Europe.
DiscoverA catalYst of rEal estAte development
Society is shaped by how we live and work. Through our projects, we imagine new ways of living and sharing spaces of togetherness. Our resources are all dedicated to creating a bright future for the many generations to come by following high-quality standards, both ethically and aesthetically.
Where wE maKe an iMpaCt
An inspiring place for homes.
An uplifting space for work.
A dynamic stage for sales.
A truStWorthY inveStmEnt paRtnEr
Through our real estate investment fund ICN Synergy RE, we provide institutional and private investors with access to unique investment opportunities. By being directly part of the high end real estate projects that we develop, investors benefit from our team’s expertise.
Join the iCn team. Meet uS out of the boX
We are driven by passion, innovation and top-notch solutions. Not only profit margins. We keep our promises and put people first while reinventing the art of real estate development. Our curiosity combined with our ever-expanding expertise and a growing network participate in creating a rich ecosystem of high-quality associates. Join us as we work to build a more sustainable society and set new standards of living and working.